Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Why I love being a Lyman

Reason number 56375.

We have trials, just like any other family.Though this month my extended family has been especially tried.
I wont go into much detail but things have happened that have caused our life to change for the time being.

Our brother was rushed to the ER one night last week. I want to say that within 30 minutes of him being there, the entire family dropped everything and showed up. I have never seen a family come together so quickly. Mom, Dad, me, Lindsay and every brother lined the walls of hospital room. Even the staff was impressed.  Plans to watch the kids and take care of the things needed in the days to come went into action without skipping a beat.

With a family of 5 boys, I did not expect the love and support they showed that night and in the days  following. I have always known that the Lymans are a tight family. Though they may not be all hugs and kisses; but they have unconditional love for each other (the kind you never talk about being men) and always are looking out for one another.

I am thankful to be accepted as part of this wonderful group and proud to call each of them my family too.

Our brother is ok and will continue to get better as time goes on. God only gives us the trials we can handle and for that I am truly thankful.

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