Sunday, August 21, 2011

Beach Camp

The Lyman Family Tradition.
I can honestly say, at first I did not want to go. I have never really been camping before and the idea of it all just scared me to death. We sleep in a what? You want me to pee where? We have to bring and cook our own food? Yuck.
But now that its over, I can say out loud, that IT WAS AMAZING.
We made memories to last us a lifetime. Zach and I had the BIGGEST tent of everyone! Nathan had a tent the size of a tuna can, still not sure how he fit in there. Lance and Vikki had the mack daddy kitchen set up that I know all camp sites were envious of and even Sophie was a good sport about camping. (Yes, I brought my 4 pound dog camping)

Everyday Zach would build a giant hole in the sand. One day it resulted in a sand pit with card table and we all sat around and played Gin. Nate wore a speedo and flashed his whiteness as he dashed to the ocean. (Vikki and I ran after him with towels to cover him) Grandma and Grandpa dressed up as Mexicans and sang a song. Jono basically cooked all our food. We played cards every night and sat by the camp fire. Dared younger cousins to eat sand crabs. Played games.I ate more food then I ever thought I could have. Learned a couple new desserts. Hung out with family we never get to see. Ate sushi. Worked on our tans. Went to Sea World. Attempted to make jiffy pop. Celebrated Zach's birthday. Made sand Candles. Learned to play the nose flute. Took family pictures. Styled all the girls hair. Read books.
All in all I would say it was quite the adventure.
Who knew we would be this busy "relaxing"?

And so Zachary, this is me publicly saying... I'm sorry for being a stink about the whole thing. I can not wait to take my future children there and teach them the art of relaxing.

(more pictures to come when my Internet isn't being so wacky)

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