Thursday, August 25, 2011

Babies Babies All around and not a one for me.

This year I have had 36 friends that are prego/had a baby. At one point I was keeping track of everyone so I had an updated number of pregos vs. newborns, but lets be honest, that was too much work. So, for your reading pleasure

Momma - Baby

Brittany K - Jaxxon Reed

Kayla A- Avery

Shelly T - Emily Joanne(coming sept)

Kellie S - Slade Beckett

Janeene S - Ella

Amy B- Boy (unknown)

Amy M - Jamison

Kellie S- Jaxon Scott

Marissa Q- Noah

Rachel H- Blake Allen

Marlo S - Robert Timothy

Katrina C - Lydia Oxana

Ann S- Belle

Katie J- Joshua

Julie R - Ward

Brennan T - Briley

Lindsay R- Unknown (coming soon)

Stephanie N - Unknown (coming soon)

Jocelyn T - Girl (coming soon)

Heather J - Myles (coming November)

Jena G - Unknown (due Feburary)

Mariah R - Unknown (due Febuary)

Ej C - Benjamin

Erin L - Girl (Due September)

Stephanie G - Jayden

Heather L - Sienna

Karilyn M - Tanner

Matt E- Matiland

Amy H - Adrinne

Lauren G -Henry

Ashton S- Girl (due November)

Julie C - Unknown

Nicole P - Boy

Lindsay H- Grayson

LaDon S - Laith Winslow

For those of you keeping track, that's 19 Boys VS 12 Girls and 5 unknown! Yikes.

I missed the Memo.

My ovaries hurt from typing all of this.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

lol, that's how I felt a couple of summers ago! I was counting all the pregnant girls I knew. It's especially hard if you wish you were pregnant too! I know I did but I am now glad we waited until we were more settled. Hopefully you aren't baby crazy! And if you are, hang in there! Your time will come too :)