Saturday, July 30, 2011


Yellowstone: the short version.

It was beautiful. Family was a bit much at times, but that many people in such a small space is always annoying after a week. We saw tons of bison and elk. Our brother Aaron would have been so jealous of the 12 point bull and an albino ones we saw! I even saw a beaver. I know sounds stupid, but I spotted it really fast as we were driving by, Zach was impressed. We went on a hike with a beautiful view, bottle fed a baby black bear and I even dealt with puke! You should be VERY impressed with this because I can NOT touch the stuff, in fact talking about it now makes me sick. But short version, I was babysitting my cousins triplets and in the middle of the night one got sick... everywhere! I was the only one there to clean it up. YUCK! I guess I can now say I'm ready for motherhood?? I think.

(More Details to come)

Now that it is over we can focus on getting things ready for beach camp.

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