Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Everything's gonna be alright.

I usually don't write about difficult things. Mostly because years from now, I want to look back at my life and remember only the good things. As I've grown up though, I've realized that sometimes, we need to write about the "bad" things. They teach us and make us who we are.

And sometimes, when things are hard, you just have to sit back
and laugh.
It sounds silly, but I think that God gives you several problems at the same time for a reason.
If He only gave you one,
you would spend all of your time and energy complaining about that trial,
but if He gives you many, you spread yourself too thin
worrying about each one and at some point you
"just don't care anymore" and know you will get through them.
After all, the saying goes, when it rains, it pours.

This month has been interesting to say the least.
I got laid off from my sweet new job in Sandy. Kind of an unexpected random change of events. Deep down inside, I knew it was a risk and thought it was a risk worth taking. They ended up out sourcing the call center I was supposed to run, so my position became obsolete. I also got my MRI results back. Don't worry, I'm still alive. The "growth" or whatever you'd like to call it, is still there. They don't think it is what is making me sick, but they really didn't have any other reason. So now its time for second opinions and more doctor bills. I think we will wait a little longer before we jump into that though.

Zach was just informed that he will need to quit all but one of his part time jobs because the school is changing its policy. Great.

We worry about where the next few months are going to take us. How we will support ourselves, take trips with the family and prepare for the future?

But then we remember the blessings:

The MRI results weren't bad or anything scary.
Zach hated his job anyways so he will be able to be at home more or find something better.
I liked my job, but hated the commute, so maybe it was time for me to move on as well.
We have our health
We have the support of our families
We have a great dog
We have a wonderful home to live in
We have the gospel in our lives
But most important, we have each other.

We know are children of our Heavenly Father, who loves us, and we love Him.
If we rely on the Lord, he will provide.
I know that I am part of a WONDERFUL church, that always takes care of its members. I know if we pay our tithing first, we will always have enough to provide. I know with regular temple attendance we will have more blessings then we will ever think we could have.

We will be Ok, we will make it through and we will be stronger for it.


Tomorrow's another day, and I'm thirsty anyways. So bring on the rain.

1 comment:

How Sweet it is! said...

You have a great attitude. Everything really will be ok. With everything we have been through with my husband health, The things that have gotten me through it all, is my family, and the gospel. I couldn't get through it without both of those. oh, and good friends. Hang in there! I have a quote written down...It will all be ok in the end, if its not ok, its not the end!