Thursday, April 21, 2011

Growin wild

For those of you living out of state and rarely ever see us. Here is our most updated picture.

Please note the furry man in this photo next to me.

Zach decided to start growing out his hair. We are now on month 3.

Unfortunately, Zach has stick straight hair so there is no volume or curl. Just long, stuck to his head hair. Its almost to the point where it curls just a little bit but maybe another month and the curl will really come out.

But here is a funny story...

While teaching our Sunday school class(age 13-14), Zach asked "hey what do you guys think of my long hair?" Quickly they responded " I like it, but I really wish you would stop cutting your bangs."

HAHA! I about died laughing. For whatever reason, the side of his hair grow MUCH faster then the top which makes it look like he "cuts" his bangs.

I guess this story is much more funny for me because 1. I'm a hairdresser 2. the thought of Zach cutting his own bangs makes me laugh and 3. you would be laughing too if you saw how ruffled his feathers got after that comment.

Anyways dear readers.

Here is my "fluffy" husband.
I just found this picture from a few years ago.

Zach looks a lot more like his brother Nate (bottom right) with the long hair.


1 comment:

Brian Murray said...

Is Zach growing his hair because he wants to be a gleek or just wants to look like a gleeker? Remember that real doctors and men have hair that is well managed and only hippees and men trying to hide bald spots have long side hair. I know until I joined hair club for men and got my toupee. That why I did it. Remember Zach that 4 out of 5 men with long hair are shot insight in Ohio