Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pre wedding festivities!

Warning: Contains Adult Content, Please ask small children to leave the room

Ok, they aren't dirty pictures or anything, just embarrassing. :)

I know this is a little late but now that the wedding is over I can catch up on so much due blogging and fill in the blanks from this summer. To say the least it was a BUSY one. Three friends getting married, 2 cousins get engaged, all of the wedding festivities to attend for each bride. But enough about them, the whole point of a blog is to just talk about yourself right? ha ha.

Here are a few pictures from my Bachelorette Party. Now the heading says warning because seriously, there are a few pictures of things that may not be appropriate for the youngsters in the room. Now in my defense, I didn't plan the party so I can't be held responsible for any of it! :)

One of my very good friends threw me a Pajama Bachelorette party at her house the Thursday before the wedding. It was such a fun idea. All of the girls were asked to wear there pj's to the party and just to come and have a good time! She spoiled me rotten and ordered all of my favorite foods, desserts and drinks! I was in heaven! She decorated her condo with the all sorts of fun stuff. I guess at the party store she could only find confettie that said "SARAH" so she spend a couple hours cutting off the "H" on every piece! Talk about above and beyond!!!! She made little "boy part" ice cubes for all of the girls drinks. Of course we played "pin the macho on the man" but we will only show the edited pictures. Really no one wants to see a bunch of cartoon parts anyways. We all had so much fun playing games and enjoying each others company. We decided that night to have all the bridesmaids and I sing to Zach on our wedding day. (that's right 2 days before the wedding we are planning this, we're crazy) Anyways, we came up with a song and dance that was just hilarious! After that we all snuggled in the couch and watched the movie 27 dresses. Such a fun night, I will really miss all of my girls when I'm in Utah.


My mom is going to be so ticked I posted this picture but it was a fun night of pampering with my mom! I sure love her! Thank you for everything Mom!

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