Thursday, August 16, 2012

To all the Prego's in my life.

It's that time of year again where I compile my list of all the pregnant women in my life. You may remember last year having an insane number of pregnant friends, somewhere in the 20+ range. Well this year I believe we are right about the same with the baby boom.
 So here is the rundown:

Ashley S- Boy
Lindsay H-
Nicole A-
Rachel G- Boy
Heidi N- Girl
Christie R- Girl
Alissa S- Boy
Meagan E= 
Brittany K-
Kaitlyn H- Boy
Amy M - 
Rachelle P= Girl
Christine e - Boy
Lyndi k - Boy
Heather l - Girl
Katie t - 
Katie G- GIrl
Amy m - Boy
Holli W- girl
Katie p- 

So far that makes for a grand total of 19. Wow.  And I am almost positive that there are a few that are not far along and are not yet sharing the news but we will include them in the next prego post.

and literally as I am writing this 3 more ladies on FB announce their pregnancies. HA!

This is not counting the 9-ish ladies who were pregnant the same time as I was but have had their children in the last 4-6 months. 

Here's to 5 weeks left of pregnant bliss!
And good luck to all the babies of 2012... and the few in 2013 as well!

As I write this I am reminded of the special gift it is for women to be pregnant. To be blessed with the miracle of life growing inside you.  It truly is nothing less than that. As pregnant women we complain because of the aches and pains of pregnancy, labor and delivery. We sigh and think to ourselves "how much longer do I have to be like this?" We wish that sometimes it didn't have to be this hard. However, we also forget that there are women who would give anything to have our back pains, our midnight bathroom runs, our swollen feet and our heartburn just to feel that little wiggle inside of a baby growing. My heart breaks for those women. I have had so many dear friends in my life that have experienced loss or troubles getting pregnant. If I could I would give you my uterus so you could experience the adventure of pregnancy. I have a firm belief that we have a loving Father in Heaven that knows us each individually and will only give us what we are able to handle and when we are able to handle it. We may not always know why we aren't able to have children when we want to, but having the faith to know that God has a plan for us and we just need to rely on his timetable for things to happen makes things a little more comforting. 
So to my pregnant friends,  let people touch your tummy and share in your joy. 
You don't know where they have been or what journey they are on. 
And the next time you feel overwhelmed or grumpy because of pregnancy, remember how lucky you are.

I will get off my soapbox now. 

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