It's almost wedding day with September creeping just around the corner. We have had SO much to do! I was very grateful that Zach was able to come down for one last week before school started. I don't know what I would have done without him. We got so many things done. In fact we were so busy running around that I got sick. Aside from the sickness it has been a wonderful week and our excitement is growing by the minute!


Friday was a very important day for a couple reasons. Most importantly it was Zach's birthday! I thought it was only fitting to post a cute baby picture of him so we can all see how cute he was and the extremely handsome man he has become! I love you Zach, I know your birthday this year was a bit hectic with all of the stuff we had to do for our friends wedding but I promise next year will be much better.... cuz we will be married! :)

We had to say good bye to our sweet little boy Bentley. No, he didn't die. I had to find a new home for him. Which I did. He now lives with the Louder family in Orem Utah. I will miss him greatly and am having a hard time with him not being here. He is such a good dog and I wish he could have stayed with me. Honestly giving him away was probably the hardest thing I have had to do this entire wedding. I'm sure Bentley James is very loved in his new home.

And on a happier note.. look who came for a visit! My favorite (and only for the moment) niece Finleigh! Well, she isn't my niece yet but she is so stinking cute! I just love her! I had lots of fun splashing around in her little blow up pool with her!
1 comment:
Cute pictures! Looks like you got a lot accomplished, and that is sure one cute little niece of yours! Oh wait... she's my Finny Kates! Ha,ha...
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