Wednesday, April 18, 2012


This is my ducky at the ultrasound this week. For those of you that are looking at this photo and trying to guess what the heck you are looking at... its the profile of the baby on the right and the left is the arm. It likes to stay in a tight curled ball and not move around much or act out for the "camera". The most movement we got to see was when the nurse poked my tummy a few times to wake it up, and then it started to move its mouth and suck a little bit. For the most part, it was completely content staying asleep and did not want to be bothered. Lets hope that means this baby is very laid back and likes to sleep tons. (*dreaming*)
Maybe it will have Zach's personality instead of being a spaz like me. 

I'm sorry that this blog has turned into baby central. Let's be honest. I don't really have much else going on right now. I work full time for Ital LLC and grow a human inside of me 24 hours a day.  Husband on the other hand is extremely busy. Let me give you a current run down of his life:

Zach takes the MCATS next weekend. That is a huge step towards medical school, obviously. He has been studying like mad, on top of studying for finals to finish his SECOND bachelors degree. 
That's right, I said second. 

He also just became the student senator for the School of Public Services for Utah Valley University. This is a brand new position and makes him responsible for several new things. He will have meeting and weekend conferences to attend. As well as be the voice of the students and manage their budget. We got to go to a fancy dinner last night to watch him be swarn in for his new position. 

He currently works two full time jobs as well as school full time. He works on call as a Psychiatric Tech  in the ER for Provo Hospital. Sometimes during the day, but mostly at night and on the weekend. 
He also teaches paramedics and EMT classes on two different campus during the week. 

His new club on Utah Valley Campus (Emergency Response Team)  has officially started which takes up a good chunk of his time as well. He volunteers several hours a week, runs meetings, talks to important people, interviews new team members and makes sure the entire thing runs smoothly its first year. 
This is not a paid activity.

Did I mention, he still has time to be a rock climber, teach Elders quorum and be a husband during all this? He is a hard worker and typically puts in 16-18 hour days EVERY DAY. Which means he leaves around 7am most days and is home usually between 10 - 11pm.   He is the hardest working person I have ever met. I am extremely proud of him and his desire to continue his education and his follow his passions.
I bet you are thinking to yourself at this point, and I thought MY husband worked long hours?
 Consider yourself lucky that your husband is home most nights and at a reasonable hour too. 

But don't worry about little old me. Somehow I manage being alone.
 I'm not saying that its easy or that I even like it, but I know one day it will be worth it all. 

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