Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dear Utah....

You have fooled me for the last time! I am tired of your endless weather changes and lack of sunshine. My bedroom is a mess because of you. I can't put away my winter clothes in fear of waking up with more snow/rain on the ground, which has interfered with all summer clothes now out of storage for the days when you decide to have a random heat wave. Therefore a large pile of clothes has now collected on my floor. (which my mom will say that has nothing to do with the weather that's just "me") The lack of sunshine has driven me to a pasty white color which makes me look "sick" all the time. The saying goes "April showers bring May flowers"; since you decided to SNOW all of April, I only see it fit that you knock off the water works and let the sun shine through.

Now Utah, we know its not all your fault. We just wish you could be more like California.
*sigh* Oh, California.......


This is BAD

This is Wonderful.
If you have any further question
please google "beautiful California Weather".
The Lymans

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