She decided to paint my toes.
10 different toes.
6 different colors.
1 big mess.
But ya know.. for her first time I think she did great!
(I'm not mean, her mom calls her that too!)
Wonder what Maizy is up to theses days? Well, she crawls, drools, giggles, climbs on things, and learned this cute trick....
(watch the video)
Can you believe that my sweet little Valentines day Niece turns ONE this year? I cant believe it, we love her so much! She really brightens our day. She is the most easy going baby you will ever meet. I love her smile and when she giggles with her big belly laugh, you can't help but laugh right along! And those cheeks!!! I can never get enough of them. We love you Maizy girl thanks for being a blessing in our lives, you will forever be our favorite Valentine.
After Maizy's party we headed off to an early Valentine celebration. Started off with a couples massage and then came home to get ready for dinner at melting pot with our awesome friends the Eckles. We love them. We laughed so hard and had an awesome time! Zach even surprised me with flowers at work today, via Lindsay playing cupid. Thanks Linds. They were beautiful!