Tuesday, November 30, 2010

So much to be thankful for.

Can you tell how exciting my life is? I can ignore my blog for almost a whole month and not feel bad about it. If people would like to be updated on the daily things, sure I'll post more. But I doubt you're interested so I will save my fingers the work and just fill in the good stuff.
As we already know, November is a month of thanks giving. A month to remember what we are grateful for, no matter how big or small. So here is a little project I've been working on this month, its about what I'm thankful for daily, in no particular order.
1st-The beautiful fall leaves that line almost my entire drive home each day.
2nd- First cold day of fall and a bowl of homemade soup
3rd- The great group of friends that always make me laugh
4th- the gospel in my life, what a blessing in itself! Where would I be without it?!?
5th- Modern medicine, what a miracle it is to have access to so many helpful things to keep us heathy and happy longer.
6th- My mommy! Today is her birthday and I am so thankful for her because without her, there's no me!
7th- The unconditional love of animals, this became very apparent after watching my aunts 40 dogs for a week. No matter what, they always love you. Do you know how to tell if your wife or your dog loves you more? Throw them both in the trunk and drive around for an hour, when you open it up, see who's happy to see you. :)
8th-The beautiful gift of life. Jayden Marie Gonzales graced us with her presence from heaven today. She is perfect and I already love her to pieces.
9th- My amazing little missionary brother in law, I am so proud of the wonderful example he is and his willingness to serve and teach others about the church.Baptize the hell out of them little brother!!
10th- Zach's fun Sunday school class, they love him and he is a great teacher. I just bring treats!
11th- Wonderful family in California, I miss them daily but I'm so happy when I get to visit.
12th- Can I be thankful that Zach rewired and installed a new garbage disposal? Cuz seriously it was quite a task and I am thankful for no more stinky sinks.
13th- Found out a dear friend of mine is expecting!! What a blessing for their family. I won't spill the beans on who until we know more, but I'm still excited to meet the new little one!
14th- The love and support my "family in law" has been this past year. They are all so welcoming and I am so grateful to be a Lyman
15th- Living with a couple old people who demand that the house be at a cozy 80 degrees everyday. Nothing like a warm house to come home to.
16th- my amazing fire starting skills, they really help on those cold winter nights.
17th- todays technology for making it so easy to stay in touch with family and friends.
18th- that after a crazy month of traveling, I'm able to come home to my comfy bed.
19th- 14 months of marriage, can you believe it? Where does the time go? I am so happy to be married to my best friend for time and all eternity.
20th- being able to go to the temple with Maichael, she has been such a great friend for the past 9 years and being able to spend time together in the temple is just perfect. I love our weekly hang outs.
21st-The necessities, running water, indoor plumbing, washing machine.
22nd- my talents, even though lately I have wanted to do nothing but hide them, I'm still grateful that I was given them.
23rd- Our home, enough said.
24th- my beautiful nieces and nephew. They spent the night tonight and it was so fun getting to really spend time with them! I love them so much!
25th-thanksgiving and the one day a year I can eat 4 sweet potatoes and no one is allowed to call me a fatty for doing so.
26th- sleeping in on days off! I know this wont be able to happen when we have kids so I must take advantage while I can!
27th- My fun friend Marlo's birthday is today. She has an amazing family and I love watching T grow over the years.
28th - Zach for saving our lives tonight when a car spun out on the freeway and I cried like a baby.
29th- Snow, yup, that's right, I said it. But I can bet you will never hear that again.
30th- A well paying job in such a hard economical time.
Can you find 30 things that you are truly thankful for?