I guess I will just have to tell you about the entire day because it all leads up to the perfect proposal. It was the morning of our "dating anniversary" and we started off our day rock climbing because that is how we first met and we started doing things we did on our first few dates. I thought Zach was just being romantic and sweet like he usually is. I had no idea that there would be a big suprise at the end of the night. We werent able to rock climb for very long because I cut up my foot the day before and wearing super tight climbing shoes was really painful. We decided to head to the University mall for a pretzels for lunch. We stopped by the big gumball machine right in the middle, one of our now traditions. After lunch we went to the movies and saw 17 again. It was a really cute movie actually, which is better than our first movie together "Yes man"
Anyways, Zach told me to bring a change of clothes because we would be going out to a nice dinner for our anniversary, so we changed outfits and headed for dinner. Zach drove around for 20 minutes trying to get me lost only to return to the same parking lot we were just in to go to CPK for dinner (California Pizza Kitchen). I had a feeling something strange was happening because Zach kept reminding me of everything we did the first week we met.

After we had a very yummy dinner with fancy "drinks" and all we decided to get our favorite dessert to go, red velvet cake. MMMmmmmMMM! We jumped back in the car and drove to Zach's thinking spot. He wouldnt tell me where we were going but I started to figure out once we had gotten there that he had taken me to the park where we had our first kiss. It was across the street from the Mt. Timpanogis Temple. We pulled up to the park and went to go enjoy our cake on a bench. Zach pulled a large blanket, stereo, ipod and a backpack out of the back of his car. We walked over to a little bench and talked and ate cake. He played my favorite songs on the ipod and asked me to dance in the park.

After a few minutes of me freezing I ran back to my huge blanket to try and warm up. The sun was beginning to set and I was complaining of the weather. Zach said we could go but he wanted to take one last picture first. He had me walk a few feet away and turn around to look at the temple while he set the camera up on the table to do a timmed shot. When he finally told me I could turn around Zach was on one knee with the ring in hand and said the classic line we all know and love "Will you marry me?" I instantly just started crying and kissing him. He said "So, does that mean yes?" I knodded my head and he pulled the most beautiful ring out of its box and slipped it on my finger. I didnt realize that he had done a video of the entire thing too! He is the sweetest man in the entire world and I am so excited and lucky that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.